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With IVAO You can invest in the most promising biotechnology companies and projects selected by our experts. We carefully select the best opportunities to invest Your capital. With us You can easily invest in the leaders of tomorrow — public and private companies and projects

Found 5102 projects
Национальный Институт Старения {{en:National Institute of Aging}}
National Institute of Aging
United States of America
Research institutes
Национальные Институты Здоровья {{en:National Institutes of Health}}
National Institutes of Health
United States of America
Research institutes
Медицинский центр университета Дьюка {{en:Duke University Medical Center}}
Duke University Medical Center
United States of America
Research institutes
Колумбийский Университет {{en:Columbia University, New York}}
Columbia University, New York
United States of America
Research institutes
Медицинский Исследовательский Институт Санфорда-Бурнхама{{en: Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute}}
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
United States of America
Research institutes
Университет Киото{{en: Kyoto University}}
Kyoto University
Research institutes
Калифорнийский университет, Сан-Диего{{en: University of California, San Diego}}
University of California, San Diego
United States of America
Research institutes
Медицинская Школа горы Синай{{en: Mount Sinai School of Medicine}}
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
United States of America
Research institutes
Калифорнийский технологический институт{{en: California Institute of Technology}}
California Institute of Technology
United States of America
Research institutes
Университет города Констанц{{en: Universitat Konstanz}}
Universitat Konstanz
Federal Republic of Germany
Research institutes
Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе{{en: University of California, Los Angeles}}
University of California, Los Angeles
United States of America
Research institutes
Сингапурский институт генома{{en: Genome Institute of Singapore}}
Genome Institute of Singapore
Republic of Singapore
Research institutes
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